The Teaching of Buddha


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In Buddhism, the Lord Buddha himself establishes five essential rules and calls them the five Perceptions.

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The Teaching of Buddha

The Teaching of Buddha

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Buddha’s teaching
Buddha’s teaching

The Buddha, also known as the Shakyamuni Buddha, is the founder of Buddhism. Lord Buddha achieved “enlightenment” under the Bodhi tree. After attaining Nirvana, Lord Buddha became the figure who gave the wisdom he received and helped billions of people to end their suffering and reach the state of Nirvana.

The two main branches of Buddhism are Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism. Theravada is widely supported by the people of Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia, and Mahayana Buddhism is widely supported by East Asia.

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Buddha’s teaching

After attaining Nirvana, Lord Buddha began to teach people the way of life. Near the city of Benares, he shared his first teachings with five Holy men, and they immediately understood his teachings and agreed to follow the Lord Buddha. Within forty-five years, the Buddha, along with his disciples, began to spread the wisdom and teachings of the Buddha in India. The teachings of Lord Buddha are also known as Dhamma. Let’s look at some important teachings that the Lord Buddha left behind for the sake of humanity.

During his enlightenment, the Buddha found the answer to three universal questions and explained these answers and the truth in a simple way for his disciple.

These three universal truths are some of the basic teachings of the Buddha

Nothing is lost in the Universe:

The first universal truth of the Buddha was that nothing is lost in this universe. Old solar systems are breaking up into cosmic rays. We are the children of our parents, and we will be the parents of our children.

If we destroy something around us, we destroy ourselves. If we lie to another, we lie to ourselves. By studying and understanding these truths, the Lord Buddha and his disciples never killed animals.

Everything changes :

The second universal truth is that everything changes and continues to change continuously. Dinosaurs, mammoths used to rule this planet, but now we humans rule the planet. Life is like a river, it continues to flow, constantly changing.

The law of cause and effect:

– Type of seed sown

will produce such fruits.

Those who do good will reap good results.

Those who do evil will reap bad results.

If you plant a good seed carefully,

You will be happy to gather good fruit. ”

~ Dhammapada

The Dhammapada also says that if we do some good things, good things will come to us. If we do something evil, then evil things will happen to us. All this is due to cause and effect. This law of cause and effect is known as karma.

Most religions strongly believe in karma, as does Buddhism. Good karma leads to good results, and bad karma leads to bad results.

four noble truths

The noble Truth of suffering

“There is happiness in life,

happiness in friendship,

family happiness,

happiness in a healthy body and mind,

but when a person loses them, there is suffering.”

~ Dhammapada

What is suffering ?

Suffering is everywhere. When people are born, they cry. When they are ill, they feel pain. When they are old, they suffer with their body. When people die, someone close to them mourns their death.

The noble Truth about the cause of suffering:

What is the cause of this suffering? Why do we feel pain? Why do people suffer?

It is the result of greed or desire for more, ignorance, or a misconception of pleasure.

The noble Truth about the end of suffering

To put an end to this suffering, you need to be able to cut off their greed, the idea of getting pleasure. You need to learn and have knowledge to cut off their ignorance.

The first way to put an end to this suffering is to change your views and try to live naturally with a peaceful mind. The state when a person stops suffering and lives peacefully is called Nirvana. This is the highest goal and goal of Buddhism, and the Buddha is trying to spread his knowledge to people so that they can stop their suffering.

The noble Truth of the way to end suffering:

The path leading to the cessation of suffering is called the noble eightfold path or the middle path.

The noble eightfold path or the middle path

The path to ending human suffering is known as the Noble Eightfold Path or the middle path. The noble Eightfold Path is one of the main teachings of the Buddha. These teachings of the Buddha described the path leading to the attainment of dukkha and the state of self-awakening. The noble Eightfold path is described below:

correct view:

What is the right view?

Knowledge about cause of suffering, the knowledge to end the cause of suffering, the knowledge that the path to end suffering. This is called the correct view.

right intention:

Right intention can also be called ” right thought.” Understanding the right point of view, a person must be able to distinguish between the right intention and the wrong one. A person must be determined to be free from evil will – this is what the right intention will teach you.

correct speech:

You should always keep yourself from lying and bad language. You need to make the best use of their speech, avoid lying and always tell the truth.

correct behavior:

Never offend others, criticize others, behave well-this is the right behavior. A person should never perform actions that may cause harm to others.

The Right Way Of Life

“Don’t make a living by hurting others. Don’t seek happiness by making others unhappy.”


A person should never choose to live where their lifestyle can directly or indirectly harm others.

right effort

Right effort can also be called ” right effort.” You should always try to take some actions of people’s free will.

Proper Care

People should constantly keep their minds on phenomena that can affect the body and mind. This means that a person must be aware of their thoughts, words, and actions.

right concentration

Also known as” proper meditation”, proper concentration teaches people to concentrate and focus on one thing or object at a time. This is how a calm and peaceful mind behaves.

By following these 8 noble eightfold paths, one can cultivate their wisdom and thus lead to the path of achieving “Nirvana”.

Triple Gemstone

The Lord Buddha establishes three shelters for people who follow his teachings. A shelter is a place that people can rely on and where they can go for safety. The three shelters that Lord Buddha establishes are as follows:

The Buddha is a guide.
Dhamma is the way
The Sangha are teachers and companions on this path.

Five Perceptions

In Buddhism, the Lord Buddha himself establishes five essential rules and calls them the five Perceptions.

not kill
Avoid taking anything that isn’t yours
Avoid inappropriate sexual behavior
Avoid lying
Avoid any fake drinks

Here are some of these teachings; the Lord Buddha himself transmitted them for the benefit of humanity and its welfare. Every Buddhist has studied these teachings, practiced them, and vowed never to make mistakes or blunders.

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The Teaching of Buddha

The Teaching of Buddha