Vic Johnson – Getting Rich With eBooks 3.0 – Full Version

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One Hour Training Call and Mystery Gift from Internet Marketing Legend Yanik Silver

Vic Johnson - Getting Rich With eBooks 3.0 - Full Version

Vic Johnson – Getting Rich With eBooks 3.0 – Full Version

Check it out: Vic Johnson – Getting Rich With eBooks 3.0 – Full Version

If you’re sick and tired of all those ‘make-money’ offers promising everything under the sun… but promoted by no-name “experts” who haven’t made a nickel themselves… Here’s something refreshingly different from someone who has and who will help you…

“Discover How to Turn Your Hobby or Passion (or Any Idea for that Matter) Into a Simple eBook That Floods Your Bank Account With Cash 24 Hours a Day Automatically…”

My friend David made $108,142 in one day with his eBook!

A 74-year-old Florida grandmother has sold more than 210,000 copies of her eBook

A teen skateboarder makes almost $300 a DAY from the eBook he created when he couldn’t find the help he wanted

A simple eBook launched me on the way to a seven-figure business and I’m going to show you step-by-step how to do the same thing.


From: Vic Johnson

Date: Monday, 3:38 PM

Dear Friend,

I’d like to hand you my blueprint to an eBook business model that can create a six or seven figure income for you within 12 months – even part-time.  And I can say that with certainty, because that’s what it did for me.

Actually, it’s a common business model shared between thousands of webpreneurs you may have never heard of. In fact, you’d probably be amazed at just how many people are making five, six and seven figure incomes that start with a simple eBook.

And when I say simple.  I mean so simple a child could do it.

Well, maybe not a child — but TEENAGER Tony Waters turned his love of skateboarding into an online empire that took him a few hours to set up, and is now earning him more than most Americans make in a year!

Tony wanted to be a pro skateboarder but was disappointed in the skateboarding videos and books he found so he decided to create his own skateboarding tips and sell them as an eBook.

His fellow skateboarders went bonkers for it!

Tony sells about 10 books a day at $27 each. On my calculator that says he’s making almost $100,000 a year!

But what about $100,000 in one day?

My friend, David Riklan, did just that with his eBook The Top 101 Experts That Help Us Improve Our Lives.  We’ve had that eBook on our site since it came out.  On one day of promotion after it launched, David made a kewl $108,121 in ONE DAY from a product that existed only in electronic bits and bytes.  That eBook has also helped him build a subscriber list of almost 1 million subscribers!!

Margie Garrison has her own eBook story.  A 74-year-old Florida grandmother, Margie suffered with arthritis for 43 years.  After being told she’d soon need a wheelchair, she found a natural cure for living free of arthritis pain.  She turned her experience and findings into a $40 ebook she sells around the world from a simple website.  To date, she’s sold more than 210,000 copies and raked in more than $2,800,000! (you read that right — two million, eight hundred thousand dollars — from an eBook!)

My eBook Story

If you know my story, you know that in 1996 my family and I were evicted from our home and given 48 hours by a judge to find another place to live.  A year later we lost our last automobile to repossession and had to drive a 12-year-old bomb I borrowed from a friend for more than a year.

In 1997 I earned so little money (just $14,027 for the year) that we qualified BELOW the U.S. Poverty Level.

After rebounding back from that disaster (that’s another story), I launched a simple eBook site in 2001 that generated a six-figure income in its first year of business.  To date we’ve GIVEN AWAY more than 400,000 copies of that first eBook and it’s propelled me to a seven-figure business growing at a compounded rate of 40% a year for the last five years in a row.

Results from one of our five Internet shopping carts


Over the years people have been pestering me about not only the secrets of my Internet success but specifically about my eBook business.

So what this IS about, is I would like to invite you to check out the opportunity to get into a very elite group of people who will personally learn from me the secrets of turning a very simple eBook into a raging inferno of business in a very, very short period of time.

You don’t need any skills, any experience — you don’t even need an idea right now. Part of what I’m going to show you is how I go to a “deep well” of never-ending ideas that might keep you awake at night with all of the possibilities you have for creating an ongoing eBook income.

If you already have a business or product, I’ll teach you how to use an eBook to turbo-charge your existing marketing and create a tsunami of hungry prospects.  I took one of my existing businesses, created an eBook for it, gave it away, and in one day created more than $200,000 from the leads that it created.

Why eBooks?

The truth is some days it’s so good that I ask myself why sell anything else.

Early on as I was exploding to a six-figure income in my first year with eBooks I remember thinking about an idea that seemed right out of a science fiction movie.

Here I had created these eBooks with a little bit of kinetic energy (my fingers typing on the keyboard).  Otherwise they were pure electronic energy.  They were then sold electronically.  The money was collected electronically and went into my bank electronically.  I then turned around and spent it electronically.

In this whole process nothing material that you could put your hands on ever existed.  So if it didn’t exist on the physical plane then it wasn’t subject to physical laws — which meant it wasn’t subject to space and time.  In other words — it was UNLIMITED.  And it is.

If my “weird” idea is a bit much for you, let me give you some practical reasons why eBooks are such a hot ticket:

  1. eBooks satisfy the customer demands of people who want information now (and are willing to pay for it).
  2. Has little development costs and ZERO inventory cost (you’ll never be overstocked on an eBook).
  3. Creates passive and residual income.  Margie has been selling her eBook, virtually unchanged, for years.
  4. Has a very low return rate (almost next to nothing if you deliver what you promise).  About the only return requests you ever get is from the occasional person who can’t get the download to work and the occasional dishonest person.
  5. Has very low customer support cost.  99% of any potential customer challenges can be answered with automated scripts.
  6. For those people who just don’t believe that many people will read eBooks, go to the home page of .  Last time I was there they were selling their Kindle eBook reader on their home page and sold out of it when it was introduced.  Amazon has sunk millions into this project and I think they’re on to something.  By the way, there is an incredible first-mover opportunity RIGHT NOW to have your eBook formatted for the Kindle.  Very little competition (and a hungry market of new users) at this point.  We also have the resource who can do this for you!  We’ve got all of our key ebooks slotted for Kindle formatting.
  7. Is the best no-cost way I’ve ever found to build a fast and productive customer list that can produce millions over a lifetime.

Who is this program for?

One: This is for people who are already in a small business, or consider themselves entrepreneurs but are struggling right now. This includes people who don’t understand the web, or don’t understand information marketing or even the basics of advertising in a Web 2.0 world. (Did you know more LOCAL searches are done on the web today than in your phone book’s yellow pages — that ought to tell you where you should be going with your LOCAL business advertising).

Two: If you are in a position where you think it’s time – finally— for you to stop working for other people and start working for yourself. Or at least find out what you need to know and need to have in your little bag of tricks to be able to work for yourself, then teaming up with me is going to be a mind blowing experience.

Three: If you like (1) going to work in your pajamas, (2) reducing your commute from many miles to a few steps (3) working on your schedule instead of someone else’s (4) worrying about where to spend your money instead of worrying about how much you’ve got to spend, then you might want to check this out.

I will lay everything out for you in a straight-forward, easy-to-understand model to eBook success. I am presenting my entire system in a 60-day blueprint to make real money with a simple eBook business.

It’s a step-by-step process that can take even a raw rookie and teach you how to get going very quickly to start making money right away. The ultimate goal is to fund your dreams of working for yourself and creating a lifestyle rather than making a living. (There is a major difference.)

There are a lot of secrets you’re not going to learn on your own, you need a mentor. I am that mentor when it comes to eBooks and Internet marketing.   And you don’t have to believe me on that….

In Getting Rich With eBooks We’ll Go Step by Step Through a Simple Process to eBook Success

Through each step I’ll be sharing the exact blueprint (including the actual tools and techniques) we use every time we create our own new projects.  Once you’ve learned how to do it, you can duplicate the process as many times as you like.  It’s the same each time.


Here Are Just a Few of the Million Dollar Proven Strategies You’ll Discover in This One-of-a-Kind Mentoring Program

  • Quickly and easily create your very own eBook based on work you’ve already done
  • How to package the SAME basic information, but get back 10-times the profit?
  • Why people are willing to spend big money on information, especially downloadable information (and that puts big money in your pocket)!
  • Easily automate all aspects of order taking, order fulfillment, affiliate tracking and back-end sales. (You want to be able to take off to Italy for a month and see no impact on your sales.)
  • Powerful outsourcing techniques that get you professional content for under $100 AND get it FAST!
  • The guru’s secret for turning a simple eBook into an automatic five-figure income on the first of every MONTH
  • How to uncover the hidden PROFIT potential inside something you already love doing. Instead of chasing markets your not interested in you NOW can turn your passion into profitable products.
  • How to take a public domain book and convert it into your own unique publication no one else can ever copy – positioning you for a lifetime of income (this is the most underused secret that made Walt Disney millions)
  • The secret to creating a mailing list that you can milk repeatedly for maximum profits – one mailing alone could net you enough cash to buy a new car.
  • In-depth lessons of how some of the most successful eBook entrepreneurs develop and test their eBook ideas.
  • How to create an original eBook in one weekend without writing a word
  • Quickly and easily discover demand that triggers a FRENZY of buying behavior.

So What’s Your eBook Going to Be About? 

This is the fun part because there are so many real possibilities.

You might create an eBook around one of your hobbies. It might be on another interest you have like raising your child, starting a business, dating etc. It might be relationship or health related. Margie turned her experience with arthritis into a multi-million dollar cash cow.

The important thing to understand is you’re going to be selling INFORMATION. It might be information that you already possess from your own knowledge or experience. Or information you uncover through research. Remember my friend David who made $108,142 in one day from his eBook. His book was based on some Internet research he did and that anyone could have done.

Your eBook might be information you purchase from someone else and turn around and re-package and sell. Sometimes you don’t even have to re-package it. You buy the rights to it and sell it as it is. I once paid $200 for the rights to an eBook that has produced over $30,000 for me and it’s still selling.

Or it might even be information that’s in the public domain (meaning anyone can use it without a fee). That’s what I’ve done a number of times and it’s made me hundreds of thousands of dollars. You might have seen Matthew Lesko on late-night television peddling his books for Free Government Money, Loans and Grants. All of his information came from government publications that any citizen is entitled to for free. He re-packaged it and has made millions!

I’ll show you how I pick profitable eBook topics that have a built-in niche market waiting to send you gobs of money when you produce the information they’re looking for. And then I’ll show you how to determine where the best place to get the information is.

And here’s something important you need to remember: You don’t have to know how to write to produce an eBook. So if you don’t know how, or you don’t like to, don’t worry about it…you don’t have to.

How It Works

Every week of our program you’ll get a special weblink and phone number so that you can access our live Webinar on your phone and computer screen.  The advantage to this is you not only hear the teaching that normally takes place on a tele-seminar, you also SEE the teaching live on your screen, going to the actual web pages you’ll need to create your eBook and a simple website .

If you can’t be near your computer during our session you can still call in and participate in the program.  Later you can go back and view the session on your computer.

And that’s an important point:  Can’t make the webinar because of a time conflict?  It’ll be recorded so you can watch the video playback at your convenience at a later time.


Dates:  July 29, August 5, 12, 19, 26 September 2, 9, 16 (Eight Tuesdays in a row)

Time: 7:00 pm ET (New York Time)    

click here for a time zone converter

“Vic, This Program Must Cost a Fortune”

Well, it should.  When you consider that I’m going to be sharing secrets that came from my own marketing education that I’ve spent more than $100,000 for.  Not to mention the money I’ve lost (a small fortune) because of my stupid mistakes — that you don’t have to make if you’ll follow the blueprint I’m going to layout.

When you consider that you can take this information and make six-figures with it THIS YEAR, how much does that make it worth?

Let’s compare it to some other options for creating income:

  • Average truck-driving school tuition $4-$5,000 (and that enables you to make an average of $32,000 your first year, driving your fannie across the country).
  • Invest an average $12,000-$20,000+ in tuition (plus the value of your time) and you could add a Master’s degree to your Bachelor’s and you can earn an extra $10,000 a year (hmmm…)
  • The Orlando Bartending School will charge you just $595 tuition to teach you how to be a bartender (but you have to show up, stand on your feet every night and put up with all the drunks in order to earn any income).

By comparison, our program should command a tuition of $20,000 at a minimum, wouldn’t you agree?

And I think it’s easily worth that and more.  But the truth is, about the only people that could afford that aren’t the ones who need it.

Believe me, I still remember what it’s like to live hand to mouth.  It might have been ten years ago but you never forget the pain of some things.

So I’m willing to offer it at less than one-tenth it’s real value, so more people can access these secrets and put them to work.  PLUS I’m so confident that anyone who uses it can make this blueprint work, you can…

 Pay Me Half Now and the Other Half Out of Your First $10,000 in Profits

I’m making this unheard of “pay half now” offer against the advice of one of my most trusted mentors, but I reserve the right to withdraw this offer without notice when class size exceeds our expectations.

As if that’s not enough to take all the risk out of your decision, here’s the kicker: you’ve got my full satisfaction guarantee…

Early Bird registrations by November 24 also collect these bonuses:

One Hour Training Call and Mystery Gift from Internet Marketing Legend Yanik Silver

A young thirty-something he’s already made millions from the Internet while cultivating some of the most powerful friends on the planet (here with Sir Richard Branson).  He’s promised us a one-hour brain dump and one of the valuable tools from his arsenal.

Resell Rights Profits

Some of the very best (and easiest) money I’ve made from eBooks has been through buying resell rights.  Here’s a primer with all of the who, what, when, where and how.  $39 Retail

Million Dollar Emails

The greatest moneymaking emails of all time.  More than 200 pages of proven formulas for creating huge demand for your eBook and other products.  Simply change a few things around and you’re ready to rock and roll.  Includes full resale rights.  $97 Retail.

Open Office Hours

Access me and my Staff during regular Open Office Hours with a private, members-only phone number for personalized consulting when you’ve got a special challenge.  At our current consulting rates of $15,000 a day, even a 15-minute phone call for help with a specific problem is worth almost $500.

My Million Dollar Rolodex

Here are the actual vendors and resources I’ve used (including web hosting, merchant accounts, shopping cart, affiliate program and more) to earn seven figures from my Internet businesses.  I even include some that I no longer use and I explain why!  Value: Priceless! (this item alone is worth far more than the cost of the program in the money it can save you from making the wrong choices).

Plus Check the Fast Action Bonuses Above to See Which  Ones are Still Available And Register Now to Claim Yours.

YES Vic, I’m ready to Get Rich with eBooks and I’m happy to pay you half the tuition now and the balance out of my first $10,000 in profits from my eBook site.  I also understand that in the event I have to miss a webinar, I can access the playback and download the video at a later time.

If I qualify, please reserve all the Fast Action and Early Bird Bonuses that I’m entitled to.  I understand that my registration is covered by your Full Satisfaction Guarantee and if I’m not satisfied for any reason I’m entitled to a refund.  On that basis, please reserve my spot and process my registration immediately.

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Vic Johnson - Getting Rich With eBooks 3.0 - Full Version

Vic Johnson - Getting Rich With eBooks 3.0 - Full Version

$45.00$359.00 (-87%)

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