Jennifer Hadley – Be a love magnet

$29.00$97.00 (-70%)

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You will be amazed at HOW QUICKLY you can shift your experience of LOVE in your life when you take to heart what’s offered in this Be A Love Magnet series. What you probably have noticed that in all of your relationships, YOU are the common denominator. If you’re looking for things to change OUTSIDE without really shifting your way of BEING in the world,


Jennifer Hadley - Be a love magnet

Jennifer Hadley – Be a love magnet

Check it out: Jennifer Hadley – Be a love magnet

You will be amazed at HOW QUICKLY you can shift your experience of LOVE in your life when you take to heart what’s offered in this Be A Love Magnet series.
What you probably have noticed that in all of your relationships, YOU are the common denominator. If you’re looking for things to change OUTSIDE without really shifting your way of BEING in the world, then you’re waiting for a shift that will likely elude you forever.
YOU are the one who can change the circumstances of your life.
YOU are the one who can truly be an amazing LOVE MAGNET!

What’s offered in this program is simple and clear – and, amazingly, you may have never heard it before, never really considered these simple steps before. Once you apply what you learn from Jennifer Hadley – you’ll be so RELIEVED and GRATEFUL that you decide to BE the LOVE MAGNET in your life.

It’s so much easier to change YOUR MIND than it is to change the whole world. And when YOU change – you will have a dynamically different experience!

Get ready to BE A LOVE MAGNET

In order to HAVE the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE – BE the Love of your life!

Three Part Audio Class and PDF Class Transcript

Audio #1:

Identify and break through your obstructions to love How to let go of the low opinions you hold of yourself (and others) Move your thinking from judgments and opinions to discernment and preference

Audio #2:

Shake your conditioned view and change your thinking to embrace love Has your heart been hurt in the past? Learn how your open heart is the safest place to be Build a new relationship with your mistakes so you can be loving and kind and gentle with yourself

Audio #3

Heal the patterns of lack and limitation in your life Forgiveness – of yourself and others, especially of family members – is fundamental Be a love magnet – choose love – transform your life and transform the world

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Jennifer Hadley - Be a love magnet

Jennifer Hadley - Be a love magnet

$29.00$97.00 (-70%)

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