Briohny Smyth – AloMoves – Ladder Flows


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We will continue this method for 30 minutes, at the end of which you’ll have practiced a wide variety of poses, memorized a full flow and gotten a great workout!


Briohny Smyth – AloMoves – Ladder Flows

Briohny Smyth - AloMoves - Ladder Flows

Check it out: Briohny Smyth – AloMoves – Ladder Flows

Ladder Flows take the best from traditional Vinyasa flows and stacked movements to create a strong, sweaty and fun practice! I’m so happy to bring you this plan because I love doing them in my own practice – they allow me to get in a lot of rhythmic, flowing work in a short period of time.
Each class begins by stacking a few postures one after another, to create a Ladder Flow. After repeating those postures a few times, we add more and build complexity into our sequence. We will continue this method for 30 minutes, at the end of which you’ll have practiced a wide variety of poses, memorized a full flow and gotten a great workout!
These sequences link breath and movement, helping you clear your mind, build internal heat and challenge your entire body!

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Briohny Smyth - AloMoves - Ladder Flows

Briohny Smyth - AloMoves - Ladder Flows